Sunday, May 12, 2013


Ted Pike's Editor's Note:
Because Jewish propaganda exerts much greater influence upon most evangelicals than does the Bible, it is no surprise that there seems to be no evangelical protest to Bill O’Reilly’s forthcoming book, Killing Jesus. Contrary to the massive biblical testimony that the Pharisees masterminded Christ’s crucifixion, O’Reilly claims it was the work of the Romans, freeing the Jews from blame.
Jewish supremacist groups, such as ADL, have exerted enormous efforts to convince Christians that to lay blame for Christ’s death upon the Pharisees and the Jewish multitude who followed them is “anti-Semitic.” Thus, millions of evangelicals are effectively made ashamed of the New Testament—Scripture inspired by the Word of God, Jesus. Jesus warned that if anyone is ashamed of His words He will be ashamed of that person in the Day of Judgment.
Thus, countless evangelicals, if not convinced that the New Testament is anti-Semitic, are perilously close to it. The next step is to abandon confidence in the Bible altogether. In this we see the powerful influence anti-Christ Jews play in hastening the prophesied “great falling away” of faith in the last days.
In this reprint of my 2008 article, I document how the ADL and its U.S. Dept. of Global Anti-Semitism in the U.S. State Dept. are fine-tuning their definitions of anti-Semitism to include even “unconscious” criticism of Jews or the state of Israel.

Are you an unintentional anti-Semite? The US State Department’s “Office of Global Anti-Semitism” warns not just of conscious, intentional anti-Semitism but of another lurking form of potential bigotry: unintentional anti-Semitism. (See, Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress, page 4)
According to our government, this consists of criticisms of Israel which, though true, might be manipulated by others to Israel’s detriment. To avoid assisting Israel’s enemies, the state department recommends that every comment about Israel (including its leaders and military) first be scrutinized for whether it could put Israel in a bad light. If so, it shouldn’t be said. Only then can we consider ourselves both consciously and unconsciously free from anti-Semitism.
What if you defy the government and go ahead and speak truthful criticisms of Israel, knowing that Israel's detractors will probably use it against her? According the Office of Global Anti-Semitism, one who assists anti-Semites is an anti-Semite.
The state department needn’t lecture evangelical Christians against possibly assisting Israel 's enemies. At least a century ago, evangelical leaders anticipated the state department’s warning. Today, evangelicals reflexively honor the code that, no matter how true an unflattering fact or opinion about Jews may be, it will not be repeated. As a result of a century of self-censorship, tens of millions of evangelicals live in a virtual iron curtain of exclusion of truth about Jews, Judaism and Israel. Taught to see, hear, and speak no evil of Israel , they subsist on a religious and political diet of Zionist-approved pablum. The magnitude of truth that has never been allowed to reach them is encyclopedic.
Are Evangelicals Anti-Semitic?
Evangelicals think that, by only speaking well of Jews, they are beyond the reproach of ever being labeled anti-Semitic. Wrong. The state department says that if Christians believe the New Testament account that Jewish leaders had Christ crucified they are the very worst kind of anti-Semites: “classical” anti-Semites. That’s what Hitler was (See, Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism: A Report Provided to the United States Congress, page 5).
To please both Jews and the government, evangelicals must now fulfill two criteria: Never say true but unflattering things about Israel and abandon belief in the New Testament.
Will evangelicals accommodate the state department’s new requirement of philo-Semitic correctness? Countless followers of John Hagee already do. They agree with his book “In Defense of Israel” that the New Testament testimony that Jews killed Christ is an anti-Semitic lie that birthed the Holocaust.
Yet an increasing number of Americans are no longer content to be insulated from truth. Many visiting are rediscovering an enormous reality: We don’t have to fear the whole truth concerning Jews or anything else. Truth can be trusted entirely. Truth doesn’t beget error and evil; rather, it bears the good fruit of knowledge, wisdom, moderation, and guidance in a darkened, confused world.
Because statements of truth affirm reality, they are akin to God Himself, the ultimate Reality.  Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.” (John 17:17)
People who don’t love reality hold back part of the truth. They consider too much truth to be potentially dangerous. Evangelical leaders believe they protect Jews from possible persecution by censoring truth about Jewish supremacism and creation of Christian-persecuting hate laws. In reality, protection of Jewish anti-Christian activists empowers them to flourish and expand their corruption of society. This in turn only increases criticism and resentment of all Jews—most of whom are innocent of such evil. Many bitterly resent the Anti-Defamation League, architect of hate laws, for the bad reputation it gives the Jewish people!
The “Israel-first” church should not fear truth about the Jews; rather, it should fear the mounting juggernaut of Jewish anti-Christianity. This is a force that Rabbi Daniel Lapin says is “now in relentless attack on evangelical Christians.” (See, Rabbi Lapin: Christians Under 'Relentless Attack' by 'Secular Judaism')
In order to hold back this threat, the truth must be allowed to flourish in the full light of day. For evangelical leaders and media to continue to parse the truth to the people only distorts reality. Evil flourishes amidst such distortion.
Half-truths are Actually Lies
But evangelical leaders may reply: “Surely telling half the truth about a sensitive subject is better than telling no truth.” Not so. When a respected leader tells half the truth, he inoculates his followers against the whole truth. They are satisfied they have found the truth and no longer search for it.
Also, they become misdirected in their opposition to evil. For example, evangelical leaders say, “The liberal media is behind the corruption of America .” This half-truth directs their followers to oppose liberalism, an ideology so pervasive and amorphous that it’s almost impossible to effectively combat. However, if a leader tells the whole truth, that big media corrupting America is primarily Jewish, then defenders of freedom are immediately directed against a racial-religious group of conspirators. These shadowy ogres don’t want us to reflect unfavorably on the fact that they, as Jews, are corrupting America .  Such scrutiny puts Judaism in a bad light.  It could prompt both Christians and Jews to pressure them to desist.  That would mean an end to their efforts to corrupt Christian civilization in order that a Judaic one-world order, presided over by their false messiah, Anti-Christ, might be established.
Here we see the radically different consequences of telling a half-truth versus a whole truth. Half-truths lead to misdirection and dissipation of Christian activism.  The whole truth leads to effective resistance and restoration of society. Consequences this different and profound could mean the difference between saving America and losing her.  Not telling the whole truth is thus worse than a misrepresentation; it is a lie. Lies distort reality, creating false premises which lead to misguided actions and disastrous results—confusion.
Such confusion is where John Hagee and tens of millions of evangelicals are. It’s where our Zionist-directed Mideast foreign policy is. It’s where countless Americans, sitting before their TV sets, are: depending on Jewish media to orient and instruct them about the very greatest moral and national issues America has ever faced.
Any religion, civilization or government that depends on filtered information will lose its way. As long as America allows Jewish media to guide us, we will only find ourselves repeatedly foundering in national dilemmas and foreign entanglements. Despite our most fervent efforts to find relief and safety, we will remain perpetually, inextricably lost.
Hope in the Grassroots?
Will evangelical leaders continue to perpetuate lies about Judaism, even as Jewish activism undermines their ministries? Because of their enormous vested commitment to Zionism, the answer is almost certainly yes. After all, they have to please their pro-Zionist supporters to survive. Such leaders do not really lead the people; the power of the pursestring of their constituents leads them.
On the other hand, an encouraging trend is quietly developing: apart from ADL, dominates "hate laws" at Google. With WorldNetDaily almost constantly exposing hate law abuses to its 7 million Christian/conservative readers, many thousands of evangelical Christians, googling hate laws, rebound to each month. There, they find not only the world’s most complete information on hate laws but a Biblically balanced perspective on Israel that is evangelical-friendly. teaches that God still has a wonderful destiny for a remnant of repentant Jews at Christ’s return.  We also teach that it is not anti-Semitic to rebuke evil Jewish leaders. Christ and the prophets did it all the time.
At Truthtellers, we receive frequent appreciation and encouragement from evangelicals with virtually no criticism.  In fact, we have encountered no intelligent, systematic, and even-handed criticism since the founding of the National Prayer Network in 1981.
Many of these evangelicals, finding “Ted Pike” on Google, undoubtedly link to my video The Other Israel at where it has now been viewed more than 110,000 times.
Perhaps, with such truth flooding into evangelicalism from the internet, it is not evangelical leaders who will save America from the top but independent-thinking Christians from the bottom. There is evidence of an ever-increasing number of evangelicals in the grassroots who want to do just that.
What can we do right now?
Pray for America and spread the whole truth!  Where the people lead, the “leaders” will follow.
[Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.]


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wiley Grant Jeffrey Revisited by Dave MacPherson

[The following excerpt from Dave MacPherson's 1995 book "The Rapture Plot" was first published in 2001. Since the following unscholarliness, by influential Christian Zionist Grant Jeffrey, is still being used by pretrib defenders to "muddy the waters" in order to oppose serious, truthful research into pretrib beginnings, we hereby offer this again.]
 by Dave MacPherson

     Appearing also in 1992 was Grant Jeffrey's Apocalypse, which preceded his 1994 Bantam edition. It, too, discusses the roots of pretrib.
     He asserts that posttribs claim that pretrib emerged in 1820. Five pages later this becomes 1830. Three pages later this again becomes 1820 (twice) and is repeated on the following page. (And LaHaye, 1992, p. 168, says that present-day critics of those crediting Darby have neversuggested that Darby arrived at pretrib before 1831!)
     Why this intentional or careless muddying up of the year 1830? Since my first book (1973) I've emphasized 1830 as pretrib's year of birth. And so have many others, even though there's been a wide range of end-time views among them. Huebner (1973) saw 1830 as the earliest year for a Darby connection with this view, and Darby himself claimed in his 1850 reminiscence that 1830 was when he first understood a prior rapture. The year 1830 is tied to the first public teaching of pretrib by Irvingites as well as to Margaret. And Kelly himself never even questioned Darby's reference to 1830.
     I don't know of a single writer (Jeffrey didn't provide even one) who has ever offered evidence that anyone was developing pretrib as early as 1820. Irving, Darby, and their friends certainly weren't developing it then.
     Jeffrey also sees pretrib in some pre-1830 writings and quotes a portion of the 2nd centuryDidache. In the part Jeffrey quotes, the early writer said that the Antichrist "shall appear" and "shall work signs and wonders" during a "fire of trial" (Jeffrey omits this last phrase). In the next sentence that Jeffrey includes, the same early writer wrote: "And then shall the signs of the truth appear, first the sign of a rift in heaven, then the sign of the sound of a trumpet, and thirdly, a resurrection of the dead." (Even though the trumpet-sounding rapture follows the Antichrist's reign, Jeffrey concludes that this early document taught that a rapture will precede the Antichrist!)
     Throughout his book Jeffrey confuses Lactantius and Victorinus; when he first quotes Lactantius, all of the lines are really the words of Victorinus and are found in the Victorinus quote that Jeffrey includes two pages earlier! He also quotes The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, apparently unaware that it's another title for the Didache which he'd quoted five pages earlier (which we've just analyzed). This time he chops off quotation after the first two sentences----what Walvoord (1954), Stanton (1956), and Pentecost (1958) did to read pretrib into them and ignore the clear posttrib teaching in the rest of the quotation!
     For his clincher, having merely rewritten other pretrib works selectively quoting some early Christians, Jeffrey claims that Pierre (whom he calls Peter) Jurieu (1637-1713) taught pretrib. Jurieu's work, according to Jeffrey, spoke of "a kind of a clandestine coming of Christ." Since "clandestine" means "secret," Jeffrey concludes that this Frenchman was teaching a secret, pretribrapture! But then he quotes Jurieu's explanation that this coming will occur "at the coming of His Kingdom" and says that Jurieu was actually teaching a coming prior to Armageddon. At this point Jeffrey has apparently confused "tribulation" with "Armageddon," even though he has a chart elsewhere showing Armageddon after the tribulation!
     From time to time throughout this century, there have been those who've claimed they've spotted at least a hint of pretrib in some pre-1830 writer. The writers most frequently named include Ribera, Bellarmine, Mede, Bengel, Keach, Gill, Oetinger, and Lacunza.
     Whenever one examines the context of these "hints" and also notes that their contemporaries saw nothing significantly new in the same "hints," the conclusion is that a handful of modern writers, for a variety of motives, has simply read into the earlier writers what the modern writers wished to see. We've previously noted that older hymns etc. have even been changed for the same purpose!
     After pretrib appeared in 1830, Brethren as well as Irvingites were well aware of the above pre-1830 scholars, occasionally quoted them, but never noticed any of the "hints"some modern writers have claimed to discover. Moreover, Brethren and Irvingites collectively had equally knowledgeable outside critics who could have cited pre-1830 "hints" in order to deflate later claims made by both Brethren and Irvingites----if, in fact, pre-1830 "hints" had existed!
     As more and more pretrib origin evidence continues to credit Irvingism and discredit Darbyism, dispensationalists may be under increasing pressure to either credit the Irvingites or find some pre-1830 "hint" that everyone else has overlooked. Or they just may decide to abandon their theological system altogether.
     You've just gone over part of the first edition of my 1995 book The Rapture Plot. During that same year Jeffrey came out with his self-published Final Warning book which claimed to discover clear pretrib teaching in an ancient writer known by scholars as Pseudo-Ephraem. In late 1995 an article echoing this "discovery," authored by Timothy Demy and Thomas Ice, appeared in Bibliotheca Sacra, Dallas Seminary's journal.
     Staying true to their escapist rapture view, Demy/Ice did a hatchet job on the ancient 10-section sermon composed by Pseudo-Ephraem (hereafter P-E). Their worst revisionism had to do with the final section (10), part of which states:
     "...on the day which the enemy or son of perdition does not know, will come the sign of the Son of Man, and coming forward the Lord shall appear with great power and much majesty, with the sign of the word of salvation going before him, and also even with all the powers of the heavens with the whole chorus of the saints, with those who bear the sign of the holy cross upon their shoulders, as the angelic trumpet precedes him, which shall sound and declare: Arise, O sleeping ones, arise, meet Christ, because his hour of judgment has come! Then Christ shall come and the enemy shall be thrown into confusion, and the Lord shall destroy him by the spirit of his mouth."
     And how did Demy/Ice summarize "trumpet" in what I just quoted? They misleadingly wrote: "A trumpet will sound, calling forth the dead to judgment."
     But it isn't just "a" trumpet or any old trumpet. It's a special trumpet. It's "the trump of God" of I Thess. 4 because its blast precedes the resurrection of the dead in Christ ("Arise, O sleeping ones") and also the rapture ("arise, meet Christ")!
     Since no one has ever claimed that P-E saw two raptures, the Demy/Ice goal was to make P-E's rapture "rabbit" disappear from its Matt. 24 setting so that they could make it pop up at the beginning of his sermon----which is what happened when they claimed to find a rapture in "taken to the Lord," a phrase found in the early part of the sermon in a pretrib setting.
     Since I've repeatedly shown that P-E promoters have collusively covered up the fact that Dr. Paul Alexander, the world class authority they rest their case on, has declared that this phrase has nothing to do with REMOVAL FROM EARTH, I won't elaborate on this point.
     The important thing to remember is that Demy/Ice turned into eschatological abortionists (getting rid off the rapture nestling in P-E's Matt. 24 setting) simply because they were foolishly following an earlier, equally sloppy abortionist who did the same thing with P-E's rapture, an abortionist with the name of Grant Jeffrey!
     In his 1995 book while including the P-E section I quoted, Jeffrey deftly put some spaced dots (an ellipsis) between "chorus of the saints" and "Then Christ shall come" in order to sneakily abort the distinctive I Thess. 4 aspects in P-E's posttrib setting!
     Since 1995 Jeffrey has seen several widely circulated exposures of his pretrib dishonesty and sloppiness. In addition to extensive coverage of his weaknesses that have been published in both text and appendix in my Plot book, they have also been discussed on not a few worldwide websites and even in a section ably refuting the P-E claim in Bob Gundry's scholarly 1997 book First the Antichrist!
     But all of the above hasn't raised the level of Jeffrey's I.Q. (Integrity Quotient) even a little bit. Even after all of the warnings, the new self-published book by "Dr." Grant Jeffrey entitledTriumphant Return again places an ellipsis between "chorus of the saints" and "Then Christ shall come" when airing the very same P-E section so that he can continue to cash in on a pretrib rapture which was unheard of before 1830 and which will be unrealized in the future! You might say that his new book is the triumphant return of the repetition of his pretrib dishonesty!"

[Born 1932 of Scotch/English descent, Dave MacPherson is a natural for British historical research. His calling was journalism. Receiving a BA in English in 1955, he spent 26 years as a newsman reporting and filming many notable events, persons, presidents and dignitaries. His wife, the former Wanda Radar of Kansas City, has for years been his "research partner." Through these many years Dave has been honing a delightful writing style, a flair for journalistic sleuthing, and a meticulous research accuracy which, for over a quarter century, has been focused on the history of pretrib rapturism, which now culminates in The Rapture Plot.
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